Environmental Initiatives
Aiming for a Sustainable Society
As a company that handles paper and packaging — materials that are intimately intertwined with our daily lives — we wish to engage in corporate activities that take co-existence with nature and society into account so that we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
By providing eco-friendly raw materials and products, obtaining FSC, ISO14001, and other environmental certifications, and maintaining a Group-wide environmental management system, we strive to be eco-conscious.
Basic Philosophy
Kyokuyo Co., Ltd. recognizes that protecting the environment is one of our most important missions, and we contribute to the creation of a truly prosperous future society by conducting our business activities in an eco-friendly manner based on the theme of harmony between nature and society
Basic Policies
As a trading company that deals comprehensively in paper and chemical products that are indispensable in our lives, we are always mindful of environmental preservation and conduct our business activities based on the following policies:
Environmental Initiatives
We have obtained the globally recognized Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody and forest management certification as a part of our efforts to achieve a sustainable society.
As a company that handles paper, we have obtained the internationally recognized FSC forest management certification and the FSC CoC certification (FSC-C 021088) for our distribution process in an effort to be mindful of how we use raw materials from an environmental perspective. The lumber that is the raw materials for the paper our company handles is guaranteed not to be obtained through destructive logging, but through responsible forest management. We will continue to contribute to a sustainable society.
We have obtained ISO14001 certification and are working to enhance internal environmental management.
In March 2006, we obtained company-wide ISO14001 certification, an international environmental management standard, and we continue working to enhance internal environmental management measures. We are actively working to reduce the burden our activities place on the environment, and work daily to become a more eco-friendly company.
We coordinate with the Oji Holdings Corporate Sustainability Department to conduct environmental audits and exchange information, and reflect this in our company’s environmental management system.
As a member of the Oji Group, which believes environmental management to be one of its most vital corporate activities, we abide by the Oji Group Environmental Charter that is our Group’s environmental policy. In addition, we coordinate with the Oji Holdings Corporate Sustainability Department to improve our efforts and obtain information on recycling, waste disposal, compliance with laws and regulations, and other environment-related issues. We then quickly incorporate this into our environmental management system.